How Bath College can help your Business
Bath College's new Industry Offerings initiative is designed to inspire the employees of tomorrow and invest in your workforce. We now have six exciting ways you can engage with tomorrows workforce. Find out more about these options below. You can contact our Business Development Team directly on the following contact details to find out more about each option or to organise a package to suit your individual needs.
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This is primarily a virtual offering. Here learners get the opportunity to get a small 'taste' or 'insight' into a specific business. This can be a Q&A session, a short creative challenge, a mock interview, or a series of short workshops. The opportunity should be short, intensive, and require minimum commitment from the employer.

Offered by interview where requires. Virtual, physical or a mix is permitted in this instance. Learners should have the opportunity to meet key team members, to experience live workshops/demonstrations with employer and share their development with the employer and their tutor.
An employer can choose to run one or multiple experiences throughout the course of the academic year. The employer has the opportunity to work with learners over a focused timespan to gain real world experience through resolving business issues.
The aim is that the learner can add value to the organisation on a short term basis. The learner can then demonstrate personal development such as self confidence, creative problem solving, sharing of knowledge and an understanding of the industry.

There are many options for courses/programmes at Bath College to upskill your existing staff, from free online distance learning courses to putting staff through a qualification or apprenticeship which can work around their current role. From simply improving an employee's English to helping them progress to a higher qualification. Investing in your workforce is proven to make your staff feel valued, leading to better staff retention and wellbeing.

This takes place in a working environment. You can interview learners where applicable. The overall aim of this significant placement is that the learner becomes a valued member of the team for a sustained period of time. The employer can share a shortlist of potential skills and knowledge to be developed, and skills required prior to their arrival. This enables the employer to tap into local talent for junior positions or apprenticeships. As an employer you can mould and develop future talent for your business, capitalise on new ideas and forge a fresh perspective.
This is a cost effective channel for recruitment, enabling you to avoid the costs associated with traditional recruitment by working with the College to connect with young people. The placement will allow learners to develop the knowledge, attitude and skills to be a successful candidate for your business or industry. The Government are offering incentive payments to employers who provide placements and we would be happy to discuss this with you further.

For employers passionate about supporting local young people and inspiring a culture of professional development and mentorship, we offer a Traineeship.
Bespoke to the company and student, you'll help them learn about the world of work as they transition to independence and adulthood. Employers will provide at least 70 hours of work experience to teach the young person about aspects of their industry and guide them in learning the hard and soft skills needed to thrive in the workplace. You will meet with the course leader and the young person to set goals and review progress. At the end, the young person will be allowed to interview for any suitable positions or will be given an exit interview with written feedback and advice for future development.
An ideal outcome for the learner and employer will be to continue with employment in an apprenticeship or suitable position, allowing you the chance to 'grow your own' and the student a robust and high quality entry to the world of work.

Having an apprentice is an opportunity for an employer to have a new member of staff who will form part of their business development and growth strategy, being part of an industry recognised programme of learning like no other. As an employer you will be supported by the College to bring in new staff, as well as upskilling existing staff in ways which are not normally logistically or financially viable.
In most cases the cost to an employer to recruit and retain an apprentice is minimal, and for micro or small employers this may be only 5% the cost of training. With many opportunities now being created to share an apprenticeship levy from larger employers there may be no cost at all. If you are looking to future proof your business within the marketplace and would like to grow your business with the certainty that you have the right staff with the right skills to meet your customers' needs, an apprentice is exactly the thing your business needs.
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